lunes, 20 de septiembre de 2010


Alcancías con alcanfor
Esperan amaneceres que no llegan
Ya es medio día
Y sigo esperando
Alcancías con cianuro
Harto de esperar
Algo para que las luces verdes se aquieten
Y darme tiempo
Fugas sin principios
Palizas sin aviso
Inercias sin piedad
Salir de los escombros y buscar…
Chocar contra
Todo es lo mismo
Y esperar al tiempo
El mandato es ese
Sin locura
Sin hastío
Solo una podredumbre
Que he escogido yo mismo
He cavado mi propio hueco
Saldré algún día
Talvez la salida está abajo
Cavando más profundamente
Adentrándome en mi destino
con una alcancía de voluntad


domingo, 19 de septiembre de 2010

Instructions on how to cry

Instructions on how to cry

Today I am the crazier person because I bought an onion at the farmers market. That onion made me cry and so naturally it reminded me of you. I opened my notebook and read from a list of questions starting at the top “How did you decide to become the type of person who wears tattered straw hat?” “Has there been one night where you have gotten very drunk and kicked over a potted plant, sick with the realization that you have lost me?” “ Would you mind tracing your shoulders onto a large piece of paper so I can see if they are as narrow as I remember?”

The onion of course, didn’t answer. It really had you down.


it's about

it's about transitions; movement, change. in time, space, placement, displacement.
it’s about finding out that life, and art actually works best when simple, uncomplicated.
it's about K.I.S.S (keep it simple, stupid!)
it's about being slightly different, totally you.
its about a process. an art process. a life process. a process of development.
its about finding out what works and what doesn't.
its about learning about yourself, about your art-through your art.
it's about trying to familiarize, universalize, and not make yourself the center of attention.
it's about changes, both drastic and negligible, or at least the seemingly negligible.
it’s about it being my space; my TV, my lampshade, my sofa set, but how it could also be yours.
it’s about the presence of humans, not simply human presence.
it’s about inanimate objects, living things and human being.
it’s about starting off on tippy-toes to realize that you've actually started taking bold steps.
it’s about the difference between looking and staring, scanning and processing, scrolling and taking in.
it’s about paying respect to a space and acknowledging how much it endures.
it’s about unscrewing a bottle, putting it to your mouth, and swallowing your vitamins.
it’s about a simple line, and how it can make you feel. about wrapping lines and how they make you feel, soft lines, and hard lines, dark lines and faint lines.
it’s simply about a line.